A kórházi adósságállományról és a rosszul fizetett doktorokról nyilatkozott Éger István, a Magyar Orvosi Kamara elnöke.
“Many hospitals are not able to pay for bandages, equipment, medical supplies and even electricity. In some cases hospitals have been threatened with having their electricity and gas cut off, and it has become commonplace for healthcare companies to only deliver those medical supplies for which the hospital has paid up front."
The day-to-day functioning of Hungary’s hospitals is in danger and many public institutions are regularly receiving final late payment notices from electricity and other utilities suppliers, a leading health care official told the Budapest Beacon. Meanwhile doctors and other public servants often go unpaid for months.
“They give us money but only in a fire-fighting manner, " Hungarian Medical Chamber president István Éger says - olvasható a The Budapest Beacon portálon.
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